Monday, 7 July 2008


For all you lazy bums out there, trust me I know there are many out there (i swear if the number of lazy people can be described by much this would be the case). Have no fear that you might end up snoozing your alarm clock too often, or setting up a landmine field of alarm clocks which alarm signals get masked off by your snoring, the saviour has arrived!

Introducing the tyrant alarm clock


This alarm clock steals your mobile phone and randomly shuffles through your contact list and calls someone every three minutes after the desired wake up time.

Well the description covers it if you do not want to be late for work or school everyday and end up having to take a cab instead of public transport then do yourself a favour and land your hands on one of these, I strongly believe that you'll wake up to save embarrassment if the random phone call were to be directed at your boss or teacher....

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